Water Filtration in NSW

Our Government takes water filtration seriously. They strive to offer safe drinking water for everyone. All drinking water must follow the strict guidelines set up by the government. Water goes through a number of different water treatments before it is assessed as safe to drink. It’s always important to consult a professional to help you identify which water treatment process will work best.

What is Filtration?

Filtration is the process of passing water through a graded filter to remove contaminants. Pre-treatment filtration removes coarse material from the water and can improve treatment steps later.

Coagulation treatment is required for sites where dirty water is present. This process is introduced into the water and breaks down particles. This forces them to clump together, making it easier to remove. Regular maintenance of filters prevents bacteria from contaminating the water.

Types of Filtration

Refer to a professional for the best advice on the type of filter to use.

1. Ceramic filters

  • Smaller-sized pores that trap contaminants as water is passed through. Ceramic filters remove some bacteria and parasites, but not viruses.
  • To keep the filter at optimum performance, the core must be cleaned and replaced when necessary.

2. Activated carbon filters

  • Eliminates odours and controls taste. Activated carbon filters do not remove bacteria, parasites or viruses.
  •  Easily saturated and must be replaced regularly.

3. Resin based ion exchange filters

  • Resin based ion exchange filters are used to soften hard water. They cannot remove microorganisms. The resin in the filter is easily exhausted or can become clogged.
  • Regular replacements or regeneration can revive poor performing resins.